15 MAY 2023

L/CHEMY is about inspiring every individual to find their own personal magic. We believe that beauty begins the moment you remember who you are and own your magic. We seek to simplify your daily skin and personal care routines so that you have time to focus on life’s greater pursuits, engineering a life of ease so that you can realise your purpose - your personal legend.

Share with us a little about what you do.
I am an Entrepreneur, CEO of my fashion rental business, Rentadella. On the side I love to create content to inspire women to love themselves just the way they are.
What are your days like as an entrepreneur?
Everyday is different! I usually start my day with a 1 hour walk with my dog and my parents. I’ll then get ready and rush off to my 2 hour daily mandarin lessons. The rest of the day will be a mix of admin, filming, editing, training, seeing clients or going to events. In the evenings, I’m either out with my girlfriends or spending time at home with my husband.
Ming: M:
Is there a particular talent or strength you had that helped you in your Life and/or business?
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD which has its pros and cons. A major con is my lack of focus but a major pro (in my opinion) is how I easily become obsessed with things. I think my obsession with my company Rentadella has really allowed me to build it to where it is today from having no experience whatsoever in business. Failure wasn’t even an option, it was more like “this is happening no matter how many times I mess up”.
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What is your personal legend?
I think my personal legend is to help others. I want people to feel happy, loved, special, whether it’s a family member or friend or a client or someone whom I’ve just connected with online. After wasting away 5 years of my life fighting my eating disorder and other psychological disorders, I realised I never wanted to see anyone go through what I had. I started Rentadella with a mission of making people feel beautiful but also, in a way, to show myself that I could do it. That I could build the life of my dreams. And if I could do it, maybe I could inspire someone else who has been in a similar position as me to do the same.
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"When I used to be a singer, my fans dubbed themselves ‘Mingspirations’ because they said they found me inspiring. Although it can be hard to accept that someone can think so wonderfully of you, it really spurred me on to try and live up to that title. To really do good and inspire people to be happy."
What is the one piece of advice you would have for young women when it comes to beauty?
“Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all” is one I repeat to myself a lot. It helps me get out of my head and live in the moment. I truly believe that we have the power to make life whatever we want it to be even if it’s just by changing our perspective. Gratitude helps a lot. I could think I’ve had a really awful week but then if I think of everything I’m grateful for, I realise that I am living my dreams. It is what you make it out to be.

Another one I love is my Dad’s favourite quote which is “Who Dares, Wins”. It reminds me that those who dare to try, who are not afraid to fail or look silly, who even just attempt to take things on, they win. Even if it’s just in learning a lesson, or not having regrets. I also think of this whenever I’m scared to get out of my comfort zone.
Ming: M:
What is the one piece of advice you would have for young women when it comes to beauty?
STAY OUT OF THE SUN! And invest in a good, simple skincare routine that is easy to apply morning and night. There’s so much on the market it’s very easy to be swept up in gimmicks and 83 step routines trying to use as much as possible.
Ming: M:
What do you like about L/Chemy?
It’s simple and effective. I’m someone who is very forgetful and who also doesn’t have much time on my hands so I like that in the morning and at the end of the day I have a few steps to do that I know will deliver results. My aim as I get older is to age gracefully and not prematurely due to poor lifestyle choices. L/Chemy supports this beautifully.
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What is the L/Chemy product that you can’t do without? Why do you like it?
I love Breathe, the Quadruple Acid Liquid Exfoliant!!! It’s my favourite. It’s not too harsh and really makes my skin feel so smooth afterwards. Also a special shout out to Oasis, their Hydractive Micellar Solution which removes even the toughest mascaras without being too harsh.
Ming: M: