5 JUNE 2023

L/Chemy is about inspiring every individual to find their own personal magic. We believe that beauty begins the moment you remember who you are and own your magic. We seek to simplify your daily skin and personal care routines so that you have time to focus on life’s greater pursuits, engineering a life of ease so that you can realise your purpose - your personal legend.

Share with us a little about what you do.
I am a mother, wife and business owner. In my work capacity, I specialise in brand and business strategy. I have had the privilege of working on many well-loved brands such as Bacha Coffee, Hermès, Bynd Artisan, TWG Tea and Odette.
What are your days like as an entrepreneur?
My days are fast paced. They usually start off with me going through work emails and WhatsApp messages from clients and colleagues first thing in the morning due to having some work in Europe. I drop my child off at preschool before heading into office.
Meetings start as early as 9.30am and rarely stop until about 4.30pm. We regroup in the office before I head off for the day. In between meetings, I usually respond to emails or support my colleagues on ideation or client management matters. There are times when I have to juggle between my businesses — brand strategy agency, The Ate Group and Caviar Colony.
Celine: C:
Is there a particular talent or strength you had that helped you in your life and/or business?
Hard work, some luck and the ability to connect with people from all walks of life. There is no recipe to success.
Celine: C:
What is your personal legend?
Share successes and always never be afraid to give credit. Team is everything. Be inspiring and be inspired.
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"Be truthful. Be sincere. Be present."
What is one quote that you live by?
#Trustnoone !!!! Jokes aside. Be truthful. Be sincere. Be present.
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What is the one piece of advice you would have for young women when it comes to beauty?
It’s never too early to start early. Be kind to yourself. No one will care for you the way you will care for yourself.
Celine: C:
What do you like about L/Chemy?
I appreciate that it takes the real needs of women today into consideration. We are all time-starved. There just isn’t much time to accommodate different steps in order to address different needs on a daily basis. I like that ingredients are harmoniously combined to provide multiple skin care solutions in one product. I do also like that the scents are natural and not too heavy.
Celine: C:
What is the L/Chemy product that you can’t do without? Why do you like it?
Power Hydrator is my absolute favourite. I feel naked without it. It provides me with just the right amount of hydration for our humid weather without it feeling too heavy. I generally use this product in my morning routine.
Celine: C: